Practical Woodwork
Learner Pathway
The following Learner Pathway is available for Practical Woodwork:
Course Information
Please click on the + to reveal the course information for each level:
National 4 Woodwork
What will I learn in this subject?
The National 4 Practical Woodworking is of broad educational benefit which will enable learners to develop skills in reading drawings and diagrams, measuring and marking out, as well as cutting, shaping and finishing materials. Pupils will learn how to work effectively alongside others in a shared workshop environment.
The course consists of:
Flat-frame Construction
Pupils will learn and develop skills in the use of woodworking tools and in the preparation and production of basic flat-frame woodworking joints and assemblies. Pupils will also learn to read and follow simple woodworking drawings or diagrams.
Carcase Construction
Pupils will learn and develop skills in the preparation and production of basic woodworking joints and assemblies suitable for use in carcase construction. This may include working with manufactured board or with frames and panels. This unit includes the use of simple working drawings or diagrams.
Machining and Finishing
Pupils will learn and develop skills in using common machine and power tools. Pupils will also develop skills in a variety of simple woodworking surface preparations and finishing techniques.
In each of the three Units above, pupils will develop an appreciation of safe working practices in a workshop environment. Pupils will also gain knowledge and understanding of sustainability issues and good practice in recycling in a practical woodworking context.
Added Value Unit: Making a Finished Product from Wood
Pupils are required to draw on and extend your range of practical woodworking experiences and skills in order to produce an effective overall response to the task. The practical activity will be sufficiently open and flexible to allow for personalisation and choice.
How will I be assessed?
For each unit pupils must meet the given standards and show evidence of knowledge.
For the Added Value Unit pupils will apply the skills and knowledge developed during the National 4 Practical Woodworking Course producing a finished product in wood to a given standard.
For the Added Value Unit pupils will apply the skills and knowledge developed during the National 4 Practical Woodworking Course producing a finished product in wood to a given standard.
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
No entry requirements.
National 5 Woodwork
What will I learn in this subject?
Pupils will develop practical psychomotor skills (manual dexterity and control) and are introduced to safe working practices and become proactive in matters of health and safety. Pupils will learn how to use a range of tools, equipment and materials safely and correctly.
Pupils will develop skills in reading drawings and diagrams, measuring and marking out, cutting, shaping and finishing materials.
The course consists of 3 units:
Flat Frame Construction
Pupils will develop skills, knowledge and understanding in the use of woodworking tools and in making woodworking joints and assemblies commonly used in flat-frame joinery. Pupils will also develop the ability to read and use drawings and diagrams depicting both familiar and unfamiliar woodwork tasks.
Carcase Construction
Pupils will develop skills, knowledge and understanding in the use of woodworking tools and in making woodworking joints and assemblies commonly used in carcase construction. This may include working with manufactured board or with frames and panels. Pupils will use working drawings or diagrams in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts that require some interpretation.
Machining and finishing
Pupils will develop skills, knowledge and understanding in using machine and power tools. Pupils will also develop skills in a variety of woodworking surface preparations and finishing techniques.
Pupils will develop practical psychomotor skills (manual dexterity and control) and are introduced to safe working practices and become proactive in matters of health and safety. Pupils will learn how to use a range of tools, equipment and materials safely and correctly.
Pupils will develop skills in reading drawings and diagrams, measuring and marking out, cutting, shaping and finishing materials.
The course consists of 3 units:
Flat Frame Construction
Pupils will develop skills, knowledge and understanding in the use of woodworking tools and in making woodworking joints and assemblies commonly used in flat-frame joinery. Pupils will also develop the ability to read and use drawings and diagrams depicting both familiar and unfamiliar woodwork tasks.
Carcase Construction
Pupils will develop skills, knowledge and understanding in the use of woodworking tools and in making woodworking joints and assemblies commonly used in carcase construction. This may include working with manufactured board or with frames and panels. Pupils will use working drawings or diagrams in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts that require some interpretation.
Machining and finishing
Pupils will develop skills, knowledge and understanding in using machine and power tools. Pupils will also develop skills in a variety of woodworking surface preparations and finishing techniques.
How will I be assessed?
Pupils will be assessed for this course from an SQA Practical Assignment (70% of final mark allocation) and an SQA Exam (30% of final mark allocation).
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
Achieved National 4 Woodwork.