AHS - Learning Standard
Welcome to our Learning Standard. The Standard sets out our expectations as a school community of what constitutes excellent learning & teaching. All staff involved in delivering learning & teaching contributed over several sessions to the production of the Standard. Lessons (or sequences of lessons) can be broadly broken down into three phases –
- Activate – learners are welcomed and given a relevant starter task. The purpose of the lesson is clearly explained, and the main concepts introduced.
- Help – as the lesson develops teachers use a variety of strategies including questioning and directed feedback to support and challenge learners with the concepts being studied.
- Summarise – towards the end of the lesson teachers will review the learning and assess how well the learners have understood the new concepts. Learner success will also be celebrated through our merits system.
As a school community we all acknowledge how important the Climate for Learning is in supporting our young people to best engage. For example – our learners participate in lessons best when there are good relationships, when they are well supported and when the learning environment is suitably organised.
Over the next three years our Classroom Partnership (teacher observation programme) will work through the standard developing our understanding and ability to deliver on the key components, identifying areas where staff would benefit from additional training or professional reading.
We will promote the Learning Standard with all learners by having it prominently displayed in every class and holding an assembly to introduce the various concepts.