
Learner Pathway

The following Learner Pathway is available for History:

Course Information

Please click on the + to reveal the course information for each level:

National 4 History

What will I learn in this subject?
  • European and World Free at Last? Civil Rights in the USA, 1918-1968
  • Scottish Era of the Great War, 1908 – 1918
  • British Atlantic Slave Trade, 1770 – 1807
How will I be assessed?
Pupils will be internally assessed via unit tests in school. There is also an added value assignment. Pupils are expected to research a topic from their course outline.
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
By negotiation with the department.

National 5 History

What will I learn in this subject?
  • European and World Free at Last? Civil Rights in the USA, 1918-1968
  • Scottish Era of the Great War, 1908 – 1918
  • The rise and triumph of Robert Bruce, 1306 – 1328 British Atlantic Slave Trade, 1770 – 180
How will I be assessed?
There is a final external exam set by the SQA which is graded. This will assess Knowledge and Skills. Pupils are also expected to research a topic from the Course Outline. Some class time will be devoted to this.

National 5 History is graded out of 100 marks, with grades A-D available for those gaining the award.

Exam – The course involves an exam worth 80 marks, which is two hours 20 minutes long. Questions will be asked from all three taught units.

Assignment – There is also an assignment (research project) worth 20 marks. Time is given to research this topic before writing up findings under exam conditions.
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
Achieved National 4 History or National 4 in any other Humanities subject or English. By negotiation with the department.

Higher History

What will I learn in this subject?
Unit 1 – British: Britain 1851 – 1950’s
  • An evaluation of the reasons why Britain become more democratic, 1851-1928
  • An assessment of how democratic Britain became, 1867 – 1928
  • An evaluation of the reasons why women won greater political equality by 1928
  • Evaluation of the reasons why the Liberals introduced social welfare reforms, 1906 – 1914
  • An assessment of the effectiveness of the Liberal Reforms
  • An assessment of the effectiveness of the Labour Social Welfare, 1945 – 1951
Unit 2 – European and World: Appeasement of the Road to War
  • An evaluation of the reasons for aggressive Fascist foreign policy in the 1920’s
  • Assessment of the methods used by Fascist powers to achieve their aims in the 1930’s
  • Evaluation on the reasons why Britain followed a policy of Appeasement in the 1930’s
  • An evaluation of how successful the policy of Appeasement was in containing Fascist
    aggression in the 1930’s
  • An assessment on the Munich Agreement
  • An evaluation of the reasons to abandon Appeasement in 1939
Unit 3 – Scottish: The Scottish Wars of Independence, 1249 – 1328
  • Reign of Alexander III, the succession problem and the Great Cause, 1249 – 1292
  • John Balliol and Edward I, 1292 – 1296
  • William Wallace and Scottish resistance, 1297 – 1305
  • The rise and triumph of Robert Bruce, 1306 – 1328 
How will I be assessed?
The SQA question papers will have 80 marks, split into three sections (two papers) with the following mark allocations:

Paper 1
Historical Study: British (22 marks)
Historical Study: European and World (22 marks)

Paper 2
Historical Study: Scottish (36 marks)

The assignment is in the form of an essay (30 marks).
The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate challenge and application by following higher order cognitive skills and demonstrating knowledge and understanding within the context of an historical issue.
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level? 
Achieved grade C or above at National 5 History and/or at least a grade C in National Modern Studies or Geography or English. Pupils who have never studied History must discuss this further with Mr Kelly and/or the Geography Department. It is recommended that only S6 pupils (who have never studied History) would be considered for crashing Higher History in S6.