
Learner Pathway

The following Learner Pathway is available for French: 

Course Information

Please click on the + to reveal the course information for each level:

National 4 French

What will I learn in this subject?
Pupils will further develop skills in Reading, Listening, Talking and Writing. Pupils will revisit and expand on various topics covered in S1-3 and will also cover new topics – all of which come under these 4 contexts:
Society – Family and Friends, Lifestyle, Media, Global Languages and Citizenship
Learning – Education, School Systems and Importance of learning a language
Employability – The World of Work, Jobs, Work experience, CVs
Culture – Holidays and Travel, Customs and Traditions, Literature, Film and TV
Regular consolidation and revision at home of topics, vocab and grammar is essential.
How will I be assessed?
The assessment of this course will be across four Unit Assessments - one in each skill (Reading, Listening, Talking and Writing) and a Added Value Unit consisting of two Readings and two Talkings.
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
Progression from BGE.

National 5 French

What will I learn in this subject?
Pupils will build on skills already acquired with an emphasis on improving skills in Reading, Listening, Talking and Writing. Pupils will revisit and expand on various topics covered in S1-3 and will also cover new topics – all of which come under these 4 contexts: 
Society – Family and Friends, Lifestyle, Media, Global Languages and Citizenship
Learning – Education, School Systems and Importance of learning a language
Employability – The World of Work, Jobs, Work experience, CVs
Culture – Holidays and Travel, Customs and Traditions, Literature, Film and TV
Regular consolidation and revision at home of topics, vocab and grammar is essential.
How will I be assessed?
The assessment of this course will be across
Talking Performance - 30 marks consisting of a 1-2 minute presentation and 5-6 minute conversation. This is recorded a few months before the SQA Exam Diet.
In the SQA Exam Diet pupils will sit exams in Reading, Writing and Listening. All four contexts of Society, Learning, Employability and Culture will be assessed across the two papers:
Reading and Writing - 1 hour 30 minutes:
  • Reading - 3 texts with questions in English - 30 marks
  • Writing - Job application E-mail - 120-150 words - 20 marks (scaled up to 30)
Listening - approx. 25 minutes:
  • Monologue - 8 marks
  • Conversation - 12 marks
  • 20 marks total (scaled up to 30)
Total = 120 (each skill worth 25%)
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
Achieved National 4 French.

Higher French

What will I learn in this subject?
Pupils will revisit and expand on various topics covered in S1-4 and will receive topic booklets covering these four contexts:
Society – Family and Friends, Lifestyle, Media, Global Languages and Citizenship
Learning – Education, School Systems and Importance of learning a language
Employability – The World of Work, Jobs, Work experience, CVs
Culture – Holidays and Travel, Customs and Traditions, Literature, Film and TV
Pupils will receive a substantial amount of homework in S5/6 in order to give them the best chance of success in achieving their potential.
Tasks will always be put on Satchel One for ease of access for both pupils and parents/carers and this will also allow pupils to catch up on work missed due to absence.
Homework tasks may include:
  • Thoroughly learning new vocabulary and revisiting old vocabulary
  • Grammar revision or preparation for a grammar test
  • A reading or listening exercise
  • Preparing answers to talking questions
  • Doing a Directed Writing
How will I be assessed?
The Higher exam is assessed externally within an SQA question paper (Multiple Choice - 25 marks and Written Answers - 130 marks). This combined is 80% of the Final Grade. A Research Assignment (20 marks) equates to the remaining 20% of the Final Grade.
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
Achieved National 5 French.