Environmental Science

Learner Pathway

The following Learner Pathway is available for Environmental Science: 

Course Information

Please click on the + to reveal the course information for each level:

National 4 Environmental Science

What will I learn in this subject?
The Environmental Science course consists of three units:
Living Environment - from conservation and reintroduction of species into their native habitat to the conflict between fox hunting and animal protection.
Earth’s Resources – looking closely at the subtle interactions between air, sea and land and living things, and how we can harvest food and energy resources.
Sustainability – can Planet Earth cope with ever increasing demands from intensive farming, over-fishing and excessive energy use?
How will I be assessed?
At National 4, the three units are internally assessed on a pass/fail basis, including knowledge, problem solving and practical abilities. The added value unit will be assessed on a pass/fail basis through the production of a research project.
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
No entry requirements. 

National 5 Environmental Science

What will I learn in this subject?
The Environmental Science course consists of three units:
Living Environment - from conservation and reintroduction of species into their native habitat to the conflict between fox hunting and animal protection.
Earth’s Resources – looking closely at the subtle interactions between air, sea and land and living things, and how we can harvest food and energy resources.
Sustainability – can Planet Earth cope with ever increasing demands from intensive farming, over-fishing and excessive energy use?
JMT Discovery Award – 25 hours spent discovering, exploring and conserving wild places and sharing the experiences involved. This is pupil led and, in the past, has incorporated working in the school grounds to enhance biodiversity and discovering more about the geology of Fife via field trips.
How will I be assessed?
The National 5 exam is assessed externally within a SQA question paper and research assignment.  
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
This course would be ideal for any pupil who has attempted National 4 Environmental Science and/or National 4 or 5 Biology, Chemistry or Physics and wants to use their science experience and skills in learning how to protect their world.