Engineering Science

Learner Pathway

The following Learner Pathway is available for Engineering Science: 

Course Information

Please click on the + to reveal the course information for each level:

National 4 & National 5 Engineering Science

What will I learn in this subject?
Pupils gain a broad introduction to the different types of engineering, from Structural, Mechanical, Electronic/Electrical and Civil. There is a lot of Maths involved and pupils need to enjoy doing Maths in order to enjoy the course.
How will I be assessed?
National 4 - pupils must pass three internally assessed units (Electronics and Control, Mechanisms and Structures and Contexts and Challenges) plus an Added Value Unit.
National 5 - The final grade is split between the SQA exam which is 70% and a SQA Course Assignment which is 30% of the final grade.
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
Pupils should be competent in Maths and have an interest in Engineering.

Higher Engineering Science

What will I learn in this subject?
Pupils gain a broad introduction to the different types of engineering, from Structural, Mechanical, Electronic/Electrical and Civil. There is a lot of Maths involved and pupils need to enjoy doing Maths in order to enjoy the course.
How will I be assessed?
The final grade is split between the SQA exam which is 70% and a SQA Course Assignment which is 30% of the final grade. 
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
Achieved National 5 Engineering Science. Pupils with a Higher pass in Physics and/or Maths would also be considered.