Duke of Edinburgh

At Auchmuty High School, we are proud of our Duke of Edinburgh opportunities and our learners who take part in them.

Duke of Edinburgh is an experience that develops every aspect of our school values and skills of REAL & CORE:

  • RESPECT - for your environment: leaving no trace
  • EMPATHY - understanding the struggles of another on the expedition and support one another through them
  • ACHIEVEMENT - completing the goal of each section
  • LIFELONG LEARNING - developing a skill over the course of your award
  • COMMUNICATION - navigating as a group
  • ORGANISATION - ensuring you have all necessary planning and equipment ready for the expedition
  • RESILIENCE - keeping going: the award takes time and there will be challenges
  • EMPLOYABILITY - developing your professionalism during your volunteering section 

A helpful Information Booklet for parents/carers can be downloaded here: DofE Parent/Carer Information Booklet

What can you do on DofE?

DofE is split into 3 awards - Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each award has 4 sections: volunteering, physical, skill and expedition:


In S3, our learners are given the opportunity to complete their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. This includes an overnight walking expedition in our local area.


In S4, our learners have the opportunity to complete their Silver Duke of Edinburgh award. This consists of either a walking expedition in the hills or a canoeing expedition on Scotland's lochs. 


In S5/S6, we support our learners on their journey through the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. This involves a challenging expedition in some of Scotland's most remote areas: walking or canoeing. 

A summary of the award requirements can be found here: DofE Summary of Award Requirements

For more information please visit: https://www.dofe.org/do/sections/ 

Keen to explore this further?

Our school DofE co-ordinator is Mr Brown (English). If you are keen to explore this opportunity further then please visit Mr Brown in the English department in A1.

We look forward to welcoming you to being part of the Auchmuty DofE Experience!