Art & Design

Learner Pathway

The following Learner Pathway is available for Art & Design: 

Course Information

Please click on the + to reveal the course information for each level:

National 4 Art & Design

What will I learn in this subject?
The course seeks to develop creativity and imagination as well as practical skills. Students will learn about the work of artists and designers, both contemporary and historical. Students are required to demonstrate the ability to work through projects showing a range of approaches to problem solving and presentation of ideas. Candidates have a choice of theme in Expressive and Design projects. eg. Portrait, Landscape, Still Life, Graphics, Product, Fashion, Jewellery.
How will I be assessed?
Through the course of the year pupils will work towards completing two units of work, an expressive and a design folio, where both units are internally verified at the end of the year. 
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
No entry requirements.

National 5 Art & Design

What will I learn in this subject?
The course seeks to develop creativity and imagination as well as practical skills. Students will learn about the work of artists and designers, both contemporary and historical. Students are required to demonstrate the ability to work through projects showing a range of approaches to problem solving and presentation of ideas. Graphics, developing research skills, building on practical skills, refining observation drawing skills, 3D modelling, creativity, complex problem solving, critical thinking and learning new Art & Design techniques. Candidates have a choice of themes in Expressive and Design projects. e.g. Portrait, Still Life, Graphics, Product, Fashion, Jewellery and so on. 
How will I be assessed?
Units are internally verified by the department which will determine the level of presentation. Work is then externally assessed by the SQA at the end of the course. Pupils will be presented for written prelim examinations from N5 level. Regular monitoring and recording of attainment will be documented and fed back to pupils and parents via progress reports. Pupils are encouraged to be self-motivated and utilise extensive offers of Study Support at lunchtimes and after school.
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
No entry requirements.

NPA Level 5 Art & Design

What will I learn in this subject?
NPA Art and Design covers areas such as mixed media, printmaking and illustration. Each of these is worth 6 SCQF points. These units will allow students freedom to explore mark making and manipulation techniques. Develop printmaking skills and gain basic knowledge in the use of techniques and media for illustrations.
How will I be assessed?
Each of these units is worth 6 SCQF points. Assessment of these awards will be by practical assessments under open-book assessment conditions. 
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
No entry requirements.

Higher Art & Design

What will I learn in this subject?
Pupils develop knowledge of art and design practice by studying artists and designers and their work. They also develop an understanding of expressive art and design processes and gain related skills. The course provides opportunities for Pupils to be inspired and creatively challenged as they communicate their personal thoughts, ideas and feelings through their work. 
How will I be assessed?
The question paper assesses pupils knowledge and understanding of the work and practice of artists and designers, and how social and cultural contexts impact on art and design works. The portfolio assesses pupils ability to apply practical art skills and integrate them with their knowledge and understanding of art practice across the course.
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
Achieved National 5 Art and Design is desirable but not always essential.

Advanced Higher Design

What will I learn in this subject?
  • producing relevant investigative visual and market research that demonstrates an individual and personalised response to their design brief.
  • applying in-depth understanding of designers’ work and practice when creatively responding to their design area requirements and developing design ideas and
  • skilfully and creatively using selected design materials, techniques and/or technology for aesthetic and functional effect.
  • producing sustained lines of development.
  • planning, exploring and experimenting within the design process.
  • creating design ideas and solution(s) in 2D and/or 3D formats that meet the design area and design brief requirements.
  • discussing the impact of relevant contexts through analysing the features of a selected design work.
  • evaluating their creative decisions and expressing justified personal opinions on their own work.
How will I be assessed?
Portfolio - 100 marks - the portfolio has a total mark allocation of 100 marks. This is 100% of the overall marks for the course assessment.
Marks are allocated as follows:
Section 1 — practical design work = 64 marks
Section 2 — contextual analysis = 30 marks
Section 3 — evaluation = 6 marks
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
Previous experience in National 4, National 5 or Higher Art & Design is desirable but not essential.

Advanced Higher Expressive

What will I learn in this subject?
  • producing relevant expressive investigative research that demonstrates an individual and personalised response to their stimuli.
  • applying in-depth understanding of artists’ work and practice when creatively responding to their expressive stimuli and developing expressive ideas and artwork.
  • skilfully and creatively using selected art materials, techniques and/or technology for expressive effect.
  • producing sustained lines of development.
  • planning, exploring and experimenting within the creative process.
  • creating original and creative artwork in 2D and/or 3D formats that demonstrates a personal response to their stimuli.
  • discussing the impact of relevant contexts through analysing the features of a selected artwork.
  • evaluating their creative decisions and expressing justified personal opinions on their own work.
How will I be assessed?
Portfolio - 100 marks - the portfolio has a total mark allocation of 100 marks. This is 100% of the overall marks for the course assessment.
Marks are allocated as follows:
Section 1 — practical expressive artwork = 64 marks
Section 2 — contextual analysis = 30 marks
Section 3 — evaluation = 6 marks
What are the entry requirements for this subject/level?
Previous experience in National 4, National 5 or Higher Art & Design is desirable but not essential.